An innovative technology designed to revolutionize diabetes management.

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About this course

In this course, you'll explore detailed functionalities of the iAPS, including setting up and managing both closed loop and open loop modes. The closed loop mode is particularly beneficial as it adjusts insulin delivery automatically based on continuous glucose monitoring data, which can significantly ease the daily management burden for users.

We also delve into how to interpret and utilize data from the system, ensuring you can make informed decisions about your diabetes management. This includes understanding the real-time data displayed on the app and how to respond to it effectively.

Learning Objective

By the end of these videos, you will have a comprehensive understanding of iAPS and be well-equipped to customize and use the iAPS system to fit your personal health needs and lifestyle, enhancing your overall quality of life while managing diabetes.

Course Features

  • Duration: 6 lessons, 81 minutes of video content

  • Language: English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish and autotranslated to 25 more languages

  • Accreditation: 1.5 RIZIV/INAMI credit point

  • Downloads: Transcript and additional PDFs

  • Availability: Desktop, Tablet & dedicated app for Phone
  • Community: Invitation to our monthly Zoom Expert meetings and ability to ask question below each video

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Curriculum & Preview


  • Introduction (2.5 min)
  • The CARES Framework (25 min)
    • Calculate
    • Adjust
    • Revert
    • Educate
    • Sensor
    • Share
    • Indications
    • Software Updates
  • Linking Components Together (10 min)
    • Linking Sensor to iAPS App
    • Linking Insulin Pump to iAPS App
    • Creating a Nightscout Website
    • Linking iAPS App to Nightscout
  • How iAPS Works (9.5 min)
    • iAPS app
    • Closed Loop
    • Open Loop
  • Creating and Interpreting Reports (9.5 min)
    • Nightscout Interface
    • Types Reports
    • Interpreting Reports
  • Managing Special Situations (9 min)
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Hyperglycemia
    • High-fat meals
    • Exercise
    • Illness
    • Alcohol 
    • Travel
  • Case Report (2 min)

This module includes complimentary access to our AID Systems: the Master Module.

Unlock glucose monitoring mastery with iAPS

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Become Certified & Accredited

Upon successfully completing all course modules and assessments, you will immediately receive an official Diabetotech Diabetes Technology Expert Certificate of Completion.


Accreditation has been approved by

  • UEMS-EACCME (0.5 European CME credits)
  • RIZIV/INAMI (0.5 credit point)
  • Kwaliteitsregister V&V (1 point)
  • Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register (1 point)
  • NVvPO Nascholing praktijkondersteuners (1 point)

Instructors and Reviewers

Client Testimonials

⭐4.8 course rating | approx 80 ratings

This module includes complimentary access to our AID Systems: the Master Module.

Unlock glucose monitoring mastery with iAPS

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© 2024 Diabetotech | Diabetotech is a Nonprofit Organization, making diabetes technology education accessible for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers.